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Temple Street Field

The field off Temple Street (formally known as Coopers Field) is part of the 'green heart' of Padfield. Its size and location is reminiscent of a public common and there are members of the village that remember being able to access the field openly, in the past.

Throughout 2021, PCS carried out three rounds of public consultation - by leaflet, on Facebook, and in person - to gather the ideas and views of the community for the field's subsequent development. This resulted in a broad range of responses; common themes included prioritising areas for wildlife and allowing for quiet enjoyment of the site, through improved access and provision of seating.

Padfield Community Meeting V1.png

From this feedback, PCS developed a long term vision and management plan for the site, which will be used to inform funding bids and improve the site once PCS are the owners.


We will continue to update this page as work on Temple Street Field continues.

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Important Note

 POGS Ltd are the current owners of Temple Street Field and will remain so until PCS secure funding.

During this interim period, POGS Ltd. are responsible for any maintainence or upkeep you might see taking place on the field. Questions & queries about this should be forwarded to POGS Ltd. directly.

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